The Swampy Pond has now been drained! All the treasures within have been revealed, and there were more! Unfortunately no magical unicorns were found, but on the positive side neither were any bodies.
The Swampy Pond has been drained! |
The amount of stuff to be pulled out was amazing. After photographing the finds they were either cleaned or tossed. The statues from the first archeological venture will make a nice addition in the garden, as well as a bird house that was found. After cleaning what appeared to be a cage from the first finds it turned out to be a candle holder. A lovely little wind chime was found this second time around, but Boomer sneaked off with it and turned it into a chew toy, so only the chimes themselves survive.
More finds: Bird Feeder and Squirrel Number 2 |
Boomer's Wind Chime chew toy and Carving Knife Blade |
To go with the spatula found last time, a fry pan and spoon were unearthed, as well as the blade to an electric carving knife.
Fry Pan and Spoon to go with earlier found Spatula |
Once the pond was empty enough we were able to get under the deck, which proved to be its own archaeological despository.
Junk from under the Deck |
Most of the items from under the deck were trash or recyclables. Apparently there is more to be dug out from under the planks, but what was found was a welcome mat, shoe, glasses, aluminum cans, and some strange screened object with a whole in it.
Happy Digs!