Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween-exciting writing update

Happy Halloween!

This very afternoon the audio for my children's book, Stubby, the Magic Pencil, was completed and sent off to the company for final approval. Within 7 to 10 days from now this will be the first of my books to be available as an audio book! Once it is, I'll let you know where you can purchase the audio.

Meanwhile, I must get back to the trick-or-treaters at my door.

Boomer-Halloween 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Halloween Short Story: Pumpkin Smashing

Many, many, many Halloweens ago I was inspired to write Halloween short story entitled Pumpkin Smashing. As fate would have it, that short story was one of my first pieces to ever be published in a literary magazine entitled Bibliophilos. The story appeared in the Fall 2000 issue, also known as Volume IV, No. 1.

As Halloween is now upon us, I would like to share that story with you here.

Pumpkin Smashing
Heather Hobson

    "I can't believe it," Amber moaned.  Her fists clenched. "This is the second year in a row.  We worked so hard."
    Justin nodded in agreement.  His hazel eyes surveyed the damage: all four plump, orange pumpkins lay shattered in tiny fragments.  One-half of a burnt candle resided in the gutter.
    "I loved my pumpkin," his sister wailed so loud the whole neighborhood could hear.  Tears of frustration rolled down her rosy cheeks.
    Without a word Justin picked up the candle and jammed it into his pocket.  Then he gathered up the shards of broken pumpkin and deposited them in the trash can.  After he finished, he tenderly took his sister's hand and led her back into the house.  Silently he vowed he would put an end to the pumpkin smashing, even if it meant giving up trick-or-treating and waiting up all Halloween night next year.
*                             *                                 *
    Sighing, Amber carefully arranged the four pumpkins by descending size down the front steps.  She wished Justin could see the magnificent job she had done. 
    The thought of her brother caused Amber to shiver.  It had been eight months since he had been killed by the drunk driver, yet she always felt he was close by.  As she had carved the pumpkins, she could almost feel his hands upon hers, guiding her incisions as he had in years past.
    "Please, Lord," Amber whispered, "Let Justin see the pumpkins.  And don't let anyone destroy them," she shouted in hopes of frightening of any pumpkin smashing vandals.
    As the sun faded, Amber peered out the window every ten minutes to make certain the pumpkins were safe.  She kept it up until she spotted her friends, Josephine and Rachel, coming up the walk.
    She swung the door open to hear Josephine instantly ask, "Are you ready to go?"
    "Let me grab my wand," Amber said, darting back into the house.
    Reappearing, Amber shut the door.  "Now stay put," she half-teasingly ordered the pumpkins, waving her wand over the top of each one.
    Rachel rolled her eyes, while Josephine laughed so hard her cat whiskers wiggled as if alive.
    "Where to first? Rachel questioned, pulling on the hood to her Red Riding Hood cape.
    "How about Hillsdale?  They always have good treats," suggested Josephine.
    Casting one last look at the pumpkins, Amber nodded in agreement, then trotted off after her friends.
*                             *                                 *
    "Look what we have here," whispered Jock, poking his friend Becker in the ribs with the base of his sickle.
    "How cute." Becker smirked.  "That one even has a bow on the stem."  Both boys laughed softly so as not to draw attention to themselves.
    "You first," Jock offered, bowing in jest.  His black hood fell completely over his face.
    "Why thank you," Becker replied with a grin.  His hands reached up and lifted the smallest pumpkin above his head.  He was about to toss it, when he shouted, "Ouch," and dropped the pumpkin onto the dewy grass.
    Becker examined his finger.  He noticed small droplets of blood dribbling down his index finger.  "I've been bit," he stated.
    Jock roared with laughter as he choked out, "By the pumpkin?"
    "Of course not," Becker snapped.  "It must have been a spider or something." Angry, Becker mercilessly seized a second pumpkin.  As he prepared to heave it with all his might, a searing pain ripped through the palm of his hand.  Immediately he dropped the pumpkin.
    "Did this one bit you too?" Jock teased.
    A three-inch-long cut stretched across Becker's hand.  Infuriated he kicked the pumpkin into the street.  "You grab the next one then," he barked at Jock.  Using the edge of his tattered red cape, he pressed down on his bleeding palm.
    "I ain't scared of no pumpkin," Jock bragged.  To prove it, he snatched up the last two pumpkins, one in each hand.  Preparing to throw them, he raised his arms and tilted his hands.
    Suddenly a cold chill came over Jock.  The blood drained from his face.  His body trembled as a searing pain rushed through it.  He howled.  One pumpkin fell to the ground.  He tossed the other in his panic.  In shock, Jock stared down to see one hand minus its thumb and the other completely gone.
    Truly terrified at the blood dripping from his friend, Becker took off running. Jock wailed as he followed Becker down the street, young tricker-or-treaters leaping out of their way.
*                             *                                 *
    "I don't believe it," Amber whispered, her eyes wide.  "The pumpkins!  They're still here."
    Running up the steps, she placed a kiss on top of each one.
    Josephine smirked, as Rachel rolled her eyes again.
    "You're coming inside now," Amber cooed to her pumpkins, tenderly placing the first one just inside the door.
    "See you tomorrow," Josephine giggled, dragging Rachel down the porch steps.
    "Sure," Amber replied, cradling the largest of the pumpkins in her arms.  Setting it down, she noticed for the first time the eyes she had carved reminded her of her brother's.  Smiling, she kissed it once more and closed the door.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Writing on Hold while searching for Konrad Reichenberger-missing person

My writing has been placed on hold, as I have been focusing my energy on Konrad Riechenberger and what happened to him. Recently a couple of us took a trip down to Alturas to seek some answers to what happened to Konrad and what is being done. While we were down there we put up missing flyers of Konrad in various places, hoping this would trigger someone's memory.
We spoke with an officer involved in the investigation, and know they are very interested in finding out what happened to Konrad. While there we also hiked around the area he was last seen in, took some photos, and found a few interesting things, which we shared with the officer.

I did confirm several searches were done and there was a lot of snow on ground when he went missing.

As a side note, a lot of illegal logging has been done for years on the property of absentee landowners in that area. So if you own land in California Pines, Alturas in Modoc County, you may want to check on it or send someone to check it for you.

If anyone knows anything about the location of Konrad, please contact the Modoc County Sheriff's office at 530-233-4416

Hopefully Konrad will be found soon.