Thursday, June 30, 2011

So I didn't get to writing

Yesterday I never managed to get to work on Realizations.  After promoting my friend's book (Echo Ryan-A Tale of Butts: The Story of a Couch), I ended up sucked up into the world of household tasks.  I did make arrangements to meet with my critique partner, John.  We spent a solid hour on the phone yesterday discussing the publishing world.  He is writing his very first novel.

I find I write more when I'm not at home.  For some reason my best first drafts and editing are done in a coffee house, and not on a lap top. I write all my first drafts by hand. I feel the pen and paper add to the experience. I've tried writing straight to a computer before, and the words don't flow as easy.

Tomorrow I am making a date with myself to go to a coffee house. I wish my small town had more than one, but at least we have one.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Creating and promoting

Creating is a glorious process.  The absorption of the mind so that it focuses on something beyond itself is a wonderful feeling.  Unfortunately a writer has to break away from that magical spell to promote his/her writing these days. So here I am.

Currently I have two books published.  One though, will be out of print shortly (Thank God, it's been with an evil publisher for way too long.  They actually thought they could sell a trade paperback for $27.95.  I love the book and wouldn't pay that much for it).

Thus, the book I am here to promote is Callings: Tales of the Conrads of Karna.  Here's the excerpt from the press release.

“The Light knows. There is a plan.  Release the past.” –Raphael, the first Conrad of the Light

The planet Karna has suffered for generations under the rule of the corrupt High Kings. Pollution fills the seas.  Mountains have been toppled. Deserts encase much of the land.

It is to this world Light calls Raphael to be the first Conrad: a human gifted with the power to call and transform energy.  Yet Raphael will not follow Light alone, others will join him and Conrad Communities will be formed.

This collection of short stories plunges the reader into the world of the Conrads and reveals the trials and struggles of the Conrads as they battle to heal their homeworld.  Within these pages you will journey with Raphael, Bruner, Serenity, and the other Conrads of Karna as they find the strength to follow and obey the Light for the betterment of their planet.

Intrigued?  I hope so.

Callings is available at, and through  most book stores using the ISBN number (ISBN: 978-0-557-09712-8)

Now I'm off to do more creating.  I am going to drift back into that glorious bubble and work on the Conrad novel Realizations, as well as helping a friend promote her own novel.