Friday, September 15, 2017

Backyard Archaeology: Under the Deck!

With the swampy pond finally cleaned out, I was able to climb under the deck (Well, actually I wedged myself partly under, as far as I could crawl and then used a grabber stick). I knew a few items were under there, but I had no idea what I was in store for when I started dragging stuff out. Besides the obvious trash and aluminum cans, as well as a bottle of leaking weed killer, I found a surprising number of shoes.

Seven Shoes

Seven shoes emerged, one for each of the Seven Dwarfs. The eighth one is possibly still under there, hiding in some corner.

Shoes weren't the only interesting items to see the light of day from beneath the deck. Amongst the items retrieved were an assortment of gardening items, three balls, a brush, a motorcycle toy, part of a bike helmet, a pen, cup, scrub brush, mixing bowl, and a Pringle's chips snack container.

Gardening items found beneath the deck

The Three Balls

Other random deck relics

Though I tried there was one item wedged under the deck I just couldn't manage to dislodge enough to pull out. I figure it will have to remain there until the deck is replaced in the future. That is unless Santa Claus decides to get out the green Christmas tree stand for me!