Monday, August 16, 2021

Writing and Life Update

Clearly, I haven't been as vigilant at blogging as I plan (2 posts a month). The one before this was supposed to be published back in February, but when I logged on today I saw it wasn't, so I clicked published and now it is posted 6 months later than planned. Currently I am polishing up Recollections for publication (aiming for October), typing up Conrad book 8 and writing book 9. Being I received my vaccine, I have returned to writing at my favorite coffee house a couple times a week, though I have taken to sitting outside were delightful little birds hop around. Nothing more or fancy going on at the moment.

Writing: Interview and New Book Published

Despite the ice storm I wrote about last blog, much else has been occurring. Just prior to the storm I was interviewed about my writing on Work it Wednesday with Tita Freytag.  You can watch the 35 minute interview via the link below. I had a great fun doing it as it has been a few years since I've been interviewed on my writing  and thoughts on how to write.

In addition, the fifth Conrad book has now been published and is available for purchase. This one is titled The Conrad Chronicles: Regrets. You should be able to purchase it anywhere you regularly purchase books or you can can it directly from my publisher at the link below.

As this book as some intense content, I recommend it for only those over 18. I also have it marked as such with Lulu, so if you don't find it right away, you might to click on the over 18 link they have on the side of the screen.

Happy Reading!