Monday, July 4, 2016

Planning a Vacation and Others' Fears

After two years or no real vacation, I have finally decided to take a trip. Thanks to several on-line friends I have met I decided on a couple of destinations I might never have picked otherwise. 

I have traveled solo before, and even took a flight to Great Britain on September 23, 2011 with my mother. She had been a afraid to go after the 9/11 attacks, but I told her I was going with or without her, so we went and had a great time.

Anyway, when I mention the places I am visiting I am getting fearful reactions, often that have no basis in reality.  I will be journeying to Belgrade and Bucharest, the capitol cities of Serbia and Romania.

One family member feared ISIS would get me. I think she is confusing Serbia with Syria.  Another also expressed concerns of terrorists (as if we aren't at risk right here in the USA).

Another family member is concerned I will get exposed to the radiation from Chernobyl.  I have been trying to explain that Chernobyl is in Russia and nowhere close, but the person doesn't believe me.

I have been told both that Serbia is in Asia and in the Middle East. For the record it is Europe, and used to be part of Yugoslavia.

Tonight I had a friend tell me that if the Serbia mafia doesn't get me, the Romanian gypsies will. She did reassure me that I am too old to be kidnapped for the slave trade. Is that a compliment or an insult?

Another friend of mine added the fact that Serbian men are hairy, but make great lovers. I never asked how she knew this.

If you check with the US Government they tell you to avoid all large crowds and political areas in both Serbia and Romania. They also add that while in Romania be careful of clubs and bars where Americans are often drugged and robbed.

Thankfully, I have an adventurous spirit, common sense, and a good sense of geography (one useful thing of being a history major).  I know I will see amazing places and make new friends and have fun. I can't think these places are any more dangerous than Oakland and Eureka, California, both of which I have lived within, and both which are listed in the ten most dangerous cities in California.



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