Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Continuing Adventures of Regal D, Lady Evaine, and Lady Leona on League of Angels

First off, I must say I feel blessed that right now I have free time to immerse myself in a game of this nature. I am having more fun than I have had in years and now hop right out of bed in the morning so I can get to the game, that is if I haven't already spent the entire night playing it.

Lady Evaine is getting more play time than either Regal D. or Lady Leona. This is partly because Lady Evaine has more friends in the chat room.

During the past few days Regal did the basics. He caught his only friend and chatted for a while, and had to deal with someone he knows, but really can't call a friend. This person kept calling his friend stupid, is on that server often, and I think is a good reason few people chat there. Thus, basically, Regal has retired to his homestead and takes care of his two lions, turkey, and little girl.

Lady Evaine's life is much more interesting, and of course, connected to Lady Leona.  Yesterday Lady Evaine stayed up with her betrothed playing until 5:30 a.m., and then went to bed. She woke right up to get back to work and catch the Boss Event which is at 11 a.m. her time.  She entered Boss without checking who was in the guild.

The top player character who had wanted to marry her and threw a fit, and quit the guild was back in the guild and being all friendly. He told her her betrothed had quit the server and was gone forever and that he still wanted to marry her. To this she responded she would wait and see if her intended really did jilt her, which she really doubted because not even 6 hours had past since they last spoke.

The Boss lasts an hour, so it is a long game.  When it ended, Evaine had two pop up chat boxes. One from her betrothed and one from a friend in the guild.  Apparently, going to bed had caused her to miss some high drama. Since the top player character who didn't get to marry Evaine, and wanted back in the guild he had originally created, her betrothed and  her friends on-line let him back in.  Her friend and his on-line wife then had issues with the top player after they made him guild leader, so as the new guild leader he tossed them out of the guild. This caused Evaine's betrothed to decide to leave the guild too.

So, Evaine wakes up and arrives into this situation and is trying to get everyone to explain what happened. She finally contacts two other guild members, who are older and wiser, who explain what they know and see. Evaine then contacts the top player and asks him what happened. He demands to know what the others are saying and calls them names. She confronts him on the name calling, then tries to explain what she understand happens. The top player gets upset, decides he is leaving the guild again, and calls her the b word.

Lady Evaine then asks to be kicked out of the guild so she has no cool down time.  Instead, the top player dissolves the guild and leaves 30 players (most of whom are not on-line at the time), without a guild.  Lady Evaine and the two other players on, join the new guild created by Evaine's betrothed.  Now comes the task of finding all the lost members and starting all over.

They had all donated gold to get the guild to level 13, and now were back to level 1.

Meanwhile, Lady Leona also joins the new guild.  Since the top player didn't want her, she now has a couple of other guild knights who appear to be interested. Her biggest issue is since she started the server a week late, she is below the others in level. She is only a 40, while Evaine is 52.  Regal who know is mostly retired is a 62.

Thus, dear readers, that is what I awoke to this morning and learned while visiting the lives of my characters.

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