Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Final League of Angels Update

The other day I realized a good while had passed since I last wrote an update for the adventures of Regal D, Lady Evaine, and Lady Leona, my characters on the game League of Angels. Part of the reason is that the servers they are on have really quieted down.

Lady Leona has been retired for nearly five months now. When her husband left the server back in August for real life, I kept her active for another month or so, and then decided to check out some newer servers.

I joined one and created my first mage. That server had issues from the start having a higher number of males seeking sex talk then most. Then R2 Games gave out large numbers of experience points cards and most leveled up too quickly, unable to get their armor or good characters before reaching higher levels. In addition, after three months I came to the conclusion that I really didn't like the mage character class. Thus, I quit that server and never even went back once to visit.

Regal D is fairing well, and I check on him often. He and his online wife still exchange roses. They had their one year on-line wedding anniversary on April 6, and of course The Rose Event was on, so it was perfect.

The main character I still play is Lady Evaine. I truly prefer the warrior class, though I am convinced the archer class is stronger. Lady Evaine has now reached level 92. Though the guild is quit, as there are only four active players, she still keeps it going.  Her online husband has also retired from the game.

So, after a year of playing League of Angels, I have come to some conclusions.  As I just mentioned the archer class appears to be the strongest in the end. Servers quiet down and friends leave. The developers keep adding new tasks to do without taking away the old ones (like the new quests in divine realm), so that means more work. Yet, over time I have found quicker and quicker ways to do things, so I only need to be on a character about 2 hours a day to get all done (that is skipping most events, which most people do once a server is old).

I still have fun playing this game, but it isn't the same as it was last year this time with all my friends joining in the game.

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