Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Thoughts on a Pandemic Day

Before I was a financial advisor, before I was a teacher, I was a historian who studied the Middle Ages and Ancient World. Those times in history were marked by increase travel and trade, which resulted in the spread of viruses and diseases that frequently halted the daily life which our ancestors were accustomed.

We are also now living in such a time, and as a historian, I see this as a moment of great change for how our lives are lead. Societal shifts, as we are undergoing right now, are often hard, confusing, and can be painful, but once the change has occurred the opportunity for a new creative society is born (imagine the shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance).

What we are experiencing with Covid-19 is new for us, but it is not a new experience for the human race. Once all is settled again, which will take time, we will find ourselves in a new age, with new opportunities. So even though you may be suffering or grieving today, realize you are living during a unique, historical moment, and you will get the honor  of being one of the first humans to experience the birth of a new age.

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